How can a pandemic affect our ways of listening? And how does it affect the ways in which we create and enjoy sound art?
Commissioned to VIC NIC by the Aveiro Municipality via Teatro Aveirense within the context of the “Culture in Times of (un)Certainty” municipal strategy, New Chronologies of Sound proposes to generate debate on such issues by developing a collection of sound works based on field recordings, which reflect upon those matters.

The artistic research project gathers artists and researchers from all over the globe, encompassing a broad diversity of aesthetics, geographies, processual latitudes and conceptual attitudes, which range from pure field recordings and processed soundscapes down to more musical or compositional uses of found sounds.

The project launch event will be held on June 12 at GrETUA and VIC, in Aveiro, and will feature a collaborative sound performance by BJ Nilsen (SE), Jorge Barco (CO), Diana Combo, Gustavo Costa and Hugo Branco; as well as a round table with the same participants and researchers Ana Flávia Miguel and Rosa Alice Branco. The event begins during the afternoon with a workshop by Gustavo Costa, from Sonoscopia, about how the digital revolution is changing our ways of listening.